Is it a mental crutch? Is it an addiction? Does the aroma inspire us to be better parents and not think about how many times we got up throughout the night? Can we drink our java and ignore the tantrums more efficiently? Does the caffeine allow us to get through each mind-numbing yet chaotic day with our children? Is the pleasure of each hot sip enough to sustain us while we are digging in the sandbox or drawing on the driveway with chalk?
Do we have a better relationship with coffee than our own parents?
Now for the important question: how on earth will I have baby #2 when I have to give up caffeine during pregnancy? It is not so much the 3 days of headaches, shakes, and waking in cold sweats (it might as well be heroin), as much as what happens after the addiction is kicked. I have a 2 year old who is an early waker, not a napper, and has the energy potential of a hurricane. Coffee gets me going first thing and then through the entire morning. Not only will I be hormonal and living with the changing pregnancy body, but now I have to keep up with a toddler at the same time? With NO COFFEE?! I used to judge parents who only had one child; now I understand it is simply that there is no perfect age of a child to deal with caffeine-free. Let's not even delve into the breast milk caffeine limitations. I am looking at 12-15 months of limited and/or no caffeine. And a toddler.