Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Are We Ever Satisfied?

   Does anyone know why it is that all children are never satisfied with one treat? You do something special for them, like give them ice cream or M&Ms or let them watch an extra episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Once they are done with the treat (or perhaps even while they are still “enjoying” the treat), they ask for more. Drives me nuts. I realize children lack perspective, but it screams of greed and gluttony when children act like spoiled little piggies and demand more goodies.   
  How do we learn to appreciate what we have and enjoy the good things we’ve got? Do we ever learn? Or do we model insatiable behavior to our children by always needing more, better, faster. 

  It makes me wonder if it takes loss, disappointment, and emptiness to truly grasp what having something special means.  I can't imagine any parent wants those things for their children.  In fact, I have to believe most parents would try to adjust the world in a way that would allow their kids go as long as possible before experiencing those feelings.  In life, there are more failures than successes, more nos than yeses.  Our children will be turned away more often than they are accepted.  It will be heartbreaking the first time this happens with Alexis.  I will probably cry with her the first time she comes home upset because her friend says a mean thing to her.  Perhaps it will be in my best interest to remember that each successive hurdle she faces will make her a stronger, better, more independent person.  Keeping that in mind might help me become the best parent possible.  
  After all, although we are raising our kids and trying to help them become fabulous people, shouldn't we be remembering to better ourselves along the way?

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